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Our Mission

Empowering you to Track, Visualize, and Elevate your Strength Journey

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Making Progressive Overload Simpler and Effective

Progressive overloading is the method of gradually increasing the difficulty in your workouts to consistently improve your strength and build muscle. With Gymskii, you can easily track your progress through charts and data, ensuring you're consistently getting stronger. We believe that achieving your fitness goals comes from pushing yourself to be better than your last session.

With Gymskii, you can easily track your progress through charts and data, ensuring you're consistently getting stronger. We believe that achieving your fitness goals comes from pushing yourself to be better than your last session.

Creating a Hub for all your Workout Needs

Deemed the "Gains Lab", gymskii offers a central dashboard to keep track of everything fitness-related. You can create and view workouts, track your progress, and even keep track of your basic macros. gymskii wants to become the hub for keeping track of your fitness, in a smarter way

Visit this blog post to learn more about progressive overloading and how it can help on your journey.

Illustration of man looking looking at screen with charts
Illustration of friends drinking coffee

Made by People Who Care and Know

gymskii was founded by Sam Kotecha, who tracked his progression through an Excel sheet. He always wanted to see how his stats looked visually, hence gymskii was born He tried other tracking apps but most are made by people who don't truly appreciate fitness and understand how it works today. We hope gymskii delivers what you need.

We are always looking to improve, so please email with any feedback!


Track Smarter, Train Harder

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