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How much protein do I really need?

How much protein do I really need?

By: Sam Kotecha

Not only do you have to train hard, but you also have to have a certain diet to achieve your personalized fitness goals. If muscle building is a priority, you’ll need to eat the right amount of protein to build and maintain mass. One question, how much do you really need? With controversy across the internet of how much one should consume, we’ll dive deep into this article to find out a good number.

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Science of protein and muscle

Protein can be found in every cell in tissue in the human body and it is made up of smaller units called amino acids. Amino acids are known as the building blocks of protein, as they help form the structure of our muscles and organs. Protein plays a big part in both the repair and maintenance of muscle tissue, as it provides the necessary amino acids for muscle recovery and growth after exercise. Protein is also essential for the production of enzymes and hormones that regulate various bodily functions, making it a crucial component for overall health and well-being.

When we workout, our muscles undergo small tears due to the load we put on them. When we consume protein, we are giving our body the necessary amino acids to rebuild these micro-tears in our muscles. During this process, they are healed stronger, a process known as hypertrophy. Without sufficient protein, the muscle repair and growth process is compromised, leading to slower progress in strength and muscle gains.

So, how much do I need?

The amount of protein an individual needs is based on a lot of factors, including age, health status, and activity level. With that in mind, the RDA(Recommended Dietary Allowance) for protein is about .8g of protein per kg or .36g per lb. This number is the amount required to maintain nitrogen balance and prevent muscle loss.

This means a person who weighs 180 lbs should be eating around 65g of protein per day, not a lot right?

Well, if one wishes to build muscle, the may be higher. How much you may be asking? Let’s reference some studies and learn in the next section.

And the studies reveal!

Most studies reveal a higher amount of protein intake is beneficial for muscle gain. However, even with these studies, the number still remains a bit controversial.

According to the International Society of Sports Nutrition, individuals should consume 1.4 to 2.0 g of protein per kg(0.64 to 0.91 grams per lb) of body weight to optimize muscle gain. This recommendation aligns with the Institute of Medicine’s Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range and can vary depending on factors such as exercise intensity, protein quality, and overall energy intake. Additionally, consuming protein post-workout or before sleep can enhance muscle protein synthesis and recovery, further supporting improvements in muscle size, strength, and body composition over time.

Based on this study, a man weighing 180 lbs would need to consume between 115.2 to 163.8g of protein per day to build muscle. A way bigger jump from our .8kg from before, but studies lean towards a higher protein diet for optimal muscle gain.

This number should be evaluated and personalized based on your goals and current activity status. If you want suggestions on how much protein you should consume, log into your gymskii dashboard and use our diet tracker to optimize your amount!

What are some good sources of protein?

Below are some great sources of protein to add to your diet!

  • Chicken Breast(35g of protein per 4 oz)
  • Salmon(25g of protein per 4 oz)
  • Lean Ground Beef(24g of protein per 4 oz)
  • Tuna(26g of protein per 4 oz)
  • Eggs(13g of protein per 4 oz)

Now you know the science, reccomended amount, and good sources of protein. Now go out there and crush your next workout!


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